

Cutting the cheese is a complex activity, more than it might appear. A proper cut can permit to fully maintain the flavor and taste of the product.

There are many variables to consider when you want to cut a whole form, such as the consistency of the paste, the shape and the size. 
The consistency of the paste substantially determines the "strength" of the cheese in the cut portion.
The shape is also crucial to get an elegant presentation and to maintain all the quality of the cheese.

There are some rules to optimally cut the various cheeses depending on their shape and texture:

- Cylindrical cheeses with a large-diameter (e.g. Fontal and Latteria): it is advisable to cut it in half vertically, following the diameter of the upper face. Then cut the portion into triangular slices, always following the vertical direction. It would be better to cut each new portion of the part already cut to reduce the exposure of the product to the air.


- Cylindrical cheeses with a small diameter (e.g. Caprini Freschi): they are usually soft cheeses, which we recommend cutting in the direction of the diameter or deploying using a special spatula.
- Cylindrical cheeses with a medium diameter (e.g. Blu di Capra, Mandriano Valsassina): these semi-hard cheeses are usually cut in half.

- Square cheeses (e.g.Taleggio and Quartirolo PDO): it is recommended to halve them, then slice into quarters.


Gorgonzola DOP Dolce: Gorgonzola DOP is halved horizontally with a special tool. Then each "half" is divided again in half (quarters) and then in eighths. This process is typical of the Gorgonzola DOP.

- Gorgonzola DOP Piccante: It is cut halved vertically with a special tool. Then each "half" is cut in another half (quarters), always following the vertical direction and then in eighths.


- Pear-shaped cheese (e.g. Provolone): it is recommended to cut them into segments, following the natural grooves of the product

- Grana Padano, Parmigiano Reggiano and DOP Trentingrana: These hard cheeses are cut in half with a special tool, then into quarters horizontally and finally into eighths and sixteenths but vertically.